商 業 買 賣 合 約 |
在商業中,合約(contracts or agreements)是對交易雙方的主要保障。合約不光是把雙方的協議記載下來,它還具有法律上的約束作用。 目前盡管也有一些不講究格式的合約,只是把雙方協議的事項一一記錄在內,然后雙方簽署作準,但這種合約在法律上的約束力還夠不上正式合約那幺大,因為后者是長期沿用下來的,可以說是前人經驗教訓的總結,它們已最大限度地堵塞可能出現的漏洞,從而避免任何一方在履行合約的情況下利益受損。雖然正式合約表面上看來相當繁復,但只有這樣,才能面面俱到,最大限度地杜絕與約任何一方利用漏洞制造損人利已的機會。因此,為了避免損失,仍以采用正式合約最為保險。 |
商業買賣合約通常是買和賣分開,即分為購買合約(purchasing contract)和銷售合約(sales contract),前者由買方擬出,供賣方認可簽署,后者則相反,由賣方提出。兩者雖側重點有所不同,但格式基本上是相同的。因此下面僅舉一份銷售合約為例,逐段加以譯注。 |
一、標 題(Topic) |
通常每份合約開頭就開宗明義地寫明該合約名稱來表示其性質,這里要譯注的叫sales contract或sales note(銷售合約) |
二、締約雙方與日期(Parties and Date) |
不論任何性質的英文合約的第一段,都列明該合約的締約日期、與約各方的名稱、地址或總部所在地等等。在國際貿易合約中有時還要寫明該公司是"按當地法律正式組織而存在的"[a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of(Hong Kong)〕,從而強調締約者的合法法律地位,句中的 corporation正規用法的含意是向當地有關當局正式注冊的"有限公司"。不然的話,可用firm (商行)代替。例如: |
This Agreement (THIS AGREEMENT) made this 8th day of December, 1981 (this eighth day of December in the year of nineteen eighty one) , by and between Victory Electronic Trading Co. , Ltd. (hereinafter called "the Sellers") , a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of Hong Kong, with its head office (principal place of business) at X X Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong and Panafrican Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called "the Buyers", a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of Nigeria, with its head office. At____________, Imo State, Nigeria. |
本協議由香港勝利電器貿易有限公司(下稱"賣方"),按香港法律正式組織和存在的公司,總部設于香港荃灣沙咀道XX號,與尼日利亞泛非貿易有限公司(下稱"買方"、,按尼日利亞法律正式組織和存在的公司,總部設于尼日利亞伊莫邦_,于一九八一年十二月八日簽訂,協議如下: |
三、說明條款(Whereas Clause) |
通常在合約第一段之后就緊接以 Whereas 開頭的條款。這一條款的作用是闡述雙方締約的由來和目的。在這一條款中,買賣雙方都分別說明本身的意向。此外,這一條款還用于引出具體的協議事項。不過,現代買賣合約已多半略去這一條款。例如: |
WHEREAS, the Sellers are desirous of exporting the undermentioned Products to the territory stipulated below;and WHEREAS, the Buyers are desirous of importing the said goods for sale in the said territory;NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed and understood as follows: |
賣方欲出口下述產品到下面規定的地方去,而買方欲進口所述貨物在所述地方出售。茲協議和諒解如下: |
世界經濟發展不平衡,國際匯率和各國物價隨時會起變化,"時間就是金錢",時間常常決定一宗交易的成敗。因此在一般商業買賣或國際貿易中,繁瑣的合約已不適宜了,大有簡化的必要。但是話得說回來,除了上述合約之外,大多數合約鑒于法律的約束力問題,不宜過分簡化。最常見的簡化方法是將上面的第一、二兩段合并簡化,下面是一個例子: |
Sales Contract 銷售合約 |
Sold by VICTORY ELECTRONIC TRADING CO.,LTD.(hereinafter called "the Sellers") to PANAFRICAN TRADING CO., LTD. (hereinafter called "the Buyers") at _______________ Imo State, Nigeria the undermentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions stated on the face and back hereof. |
由勝利電器貿易有限公司按本合約正面和背面所述條件售予尼日利亞伊莫邦…泛非貿易有限公司下述貨物。 |
四、基本條件(Basic Terms) |
五、簽 章(Signatures) |
基本條件(Basic Terms) |
基本條件是一份買賣合約的中心內容,包括"貨物說明"(description of goods)、"數量"(quantity)、"價格"(Price)、"付運"(shipment)或"交貨"(delivery)和"付款條件"(terms of payment)。其中當然以"價格"最為重要。除此以外,通常還加上"備注"(remarks)欄,用于補充合約起草者認為有必要預先聲明的內容。 |
(一)貨物說明(Description of Goods) |
這一欄列明貨物的商標、名稱和型號等。有的商品也要列明規格(specifications)、尺寸(sizes)等。例如: |
Description of Goods: "Victory" Brand Portable Radio Cassette Tape Recorders Model VEC-8160. |
貨物說明:"勝利"牌VEC-8160型手提收錄兩用機。 |
(二)數量(Quantity) |
這一欄是成交貨物的數量。有時還附包裝要求。例如: |
Quantity: 5000 sets with the packing as per Manufacturer's standard. |
數量:五千部,包裝按照制造商的標準包裝。 |
(三)價格(Price) |
前面說過,這一欄是合約主要內容的中心,因此在簽訂合約時,這一欄是買賣雙方首先注意的焦點,它一般包括總金額(total amount)和單價(unit price),兩者缺一不可。此外也要表明價格的性質,尤以國際貿易為然。常用的價格如FOB(離岸價,即賣方負責把貨裝上交通工具所報的價格,報這種價格時,要寫明離岸港),C&F(成本加運費cost十freight的到岸價,這種到岸價表明保險由買方負責,通常要注上到岸港)和 CIF(成本加保險加運費 cost+insurance+freight的到岸價,同樣要寫明到岸港)。例如: |
Price: Total Amount HK $ 1, 000, 000. 00 with the unit price of HK$ 200.00 per set F0B Hong Kong Net. |
價格:總額港幣壹佰萬元正,F.O.B香港凈價(香港離岸凈價)為每部港幣貳佰元正。 |
(四)付運(Shipment) |
由于有的地方船期稀疏,貨物遲遲無法付運,或者有的港口過度擠塞,船舶一直無法靠岸卸貨,所以買方對船期是否準時十分關心,這牽涉到貨物能否及時到港應市的問題。當然賣方也極為重視這一問題,一旦超過信用證的有效期,它有可能作廢,而使備貨多時的努力付諸東流。 |
付運期限一般有幾種提法:有的規定某月份如August 1982,或兩個月之間,August/September 1982。有的則規定"在……以后多少天以內,例如within 45 days after receipt of L/C。倘若存有現貨,那幺就可立即付運,提出 Prompt shipment,immediate shipment等。有時候, 買方或賣方可能感到上述"多少天之內"的提法仍嫌籠統,那就需要補充某些規定以保障本身利益。例如:Shipment:within 45 days after receipt of L/C by the end of June.或 August Shipment:subject to receipt Of L/C by the end of June.例如: |
Shipment: August 1982 subject to receipt of L/C by the end of May. |
付運:一九八二年八月,但到五月底須已收到信用證。 |
(五)付款條件(Terms of Payment) |
這一欄是賣方所提出的買方如何付款的要求。在本地買賣中,常用的付款方式有COD(cash on delivery貨到收款)、CBD(cash before delivery交貨前收款)、SOC(sale on credit賒賣)等。 |
在國際貿易中,這些付款方式都不適用。毫無疑問,L/C(letter of credit信用證)是貿易中最普遍使用的付款方式,由進口商經往來銀行開出信用證給出口商,出口商把貨付運,即可憑裝船單據(Shipping documents)向銀行兌取貨款。其次,也有一部分商人采用 D/p(documents against payment付款放行票據的匯票),D/A(documents against acceptance承兌放行票據的匯票)和 B/C(bill for collection托收單)。不過,后三者要在出口商、銀行(兩地銀行)和進口商之間具有良好的信用關系,才能采用。D/P是出口商開出匯票,向出口地銀行洽兌,進口地銀行收到貨款后將裝船單據放行給進口商.憑單即可提貨。風險是:假如進口商不付款,那批貨就要出口商自行負責,而且出口地銀行會追出口商退款。D/A是進口商一旦承兌,即可領取裝船單據,不立即付款。這對出口商來說風險更大了,所以越來越少用。B/C是出口商根本無法向銀行洽兌,只委托銀行代為收款,不用說,這是最不得已的方法,除非關系非常密切,不然不用為妙。 |
信用證也不是萬無一失的,在國際貿易中,會有假信用證.這種現象以西非最常見。所謂假信用證較多是以一家實際并不存在或有名無實的銀行的名義開出的。即使信用證是真實的,但仍不算十足保證。因此往往要加上一些規定,出口商才放心付貨。一般是注明confirmed(保兌)、irrevocable(不可撤消)或 without recourse(無追索權)。有的信用證注明三個要求,但較常見的是注明irrevocable。confirmed即保證付款。irrevocable即信用證開出后若非出口商同意則無權擅自撤消。without recourse表示即使銀行收不到貨款也無權向出口商追索已兌出的款項。例如: |
Terms of Payment: By Confirmed Irrevocable L/C to be opened by Buyers. |
付款條件:用買方開出的保兌、不可撤消信用證. |
(六)備注(Remarks) |
賣方使用這一欄補充一些涉及本身利益的規定。例如: |
Remarks: Subject to the procurement of the necessary permits in Hong Kong and Nigeria. Insurance covers FPA and W. A. only if the Buyers require it to be added. Shipping particulars including marks and port of entry must be advised to the Sellers before 20th July, 1982. The goods can only be sold in Nigeria and other parts of West Africa. |
備注:(本合約能否履行)取決于在香港和尼日利亞取得必要的各種許可證。假如買方要求加上保險,那幺只保平安險和水漬險。包括唆頭和入口港等付運細節必須在一九八二年七 月二十日之前告知賣方。這批貨物只能在尼日利亞和西非其它地方出售。 |
(七)其它(Miscellaneous) |
除了上述各欄之外,有時還加上"保險"和"包裝"等欄。這里簡單介紹國際貿易的保險種類。首先要明白,在保險業務上,損失通常分為兩種,一種是"共同海損"(general average),通常是指船只因遇到風暴或火災等事故必須拋棄部分貨物,所受的損失由船主和全船貨物的貨主共同承擔;另一種是"單獨海損"(particular average),意思是某個貨主單獨蒙受損失,例如貨物被水浸濕,被其它貨物壓壞、漏泄、破爛等。全船貨物損失時,例如沉船,通常稱為全損(total loss)。 |
只投保"共同損失"和"全損"的叫"平安險"(Free from particular average 單獨海損不賠償);投保"單獨海損"的叫做"水漬險"(with average 或 With particular average),水漬險不光是水漬才獲得賠償,它還包括油漬(oil stain)、漏泄(leakage),破爛(breakage),盜竊、短交(TPND theft,pilferage,nondelivery),而且它實際上也保"共同海損"的險。此外還有投保全險(AR.all risks)、兵險(WR, war risk)等。 |
包裝欄列明包裝數量和重量等。例如: |
Packing: 12 sets per carton box and 6 carton boxes per wooden box. |
包裝:每紙盒十二部,每箱六紙盒。 |
簽 章(Signatures) |
合約正面的最后一個部分是由雙方簽署,通常賣方簽于右側,買方簽子左側。例如: |
Accepted and Signed by Buyers Sellers |
Panafrican Trading Co., Ltd. VICTORY ELECTRONIC TRADING CO.,LTD. |
買方接受并簽署 賣方 |
泛非貿易有限公司 勝利電器貿易有限公司 |
六、附加條件(Terms & Conditions) |
為了最大限度地保障本身的利益,賣方通常都在背面印上一系列的條件(terms and conditions),因此買方在簽約前不應忽視這些條件,因為一經簽署之后就表明也接受這些條件。不過,除非發生糾紛,在一般情況下很少會應用到這些條件。下面列舉常用的附加條件,并逐段翻譯。由于這都是賣方的要求,故經常應用shall這一情態動詞,表示"必須"或"應該"。 |
1. BASIS: All business shall be transacted between the Buyers and the Sellers on Principals to Principals basis. |
基礎:一切交易必須以主持人對主持人為基礎在買方和賣方之間進行。 |
2. QUANTITY: Quantity, unless otherwise arranged, shall be subject to a variation of 5% plus or minus at Sellers' option. |
數量:除非另作安排,數量可能由賣方選擇作加或減5%的變動。 |
3. PRICE: The currency manifesting the price shall be the basis currency of payment, unless otherwise specified, US $ means the U. S. Doitars, HK $ the Hong Kong Dollars, ? the Pound Sterling. The price specified in this contract shall be based upon the present exchange rate (HK $ 5. 65 per U. S. Dollar or HK $10. 50 per Sterling Pound). In case of variation of such rate by more than 3 per cent after the date of this contract, the price shall be adjusted and settled according to the corresponding change. In such case, however, the Sellers shall have the right to decrease the contracted quantity and/or cancel this contract in part or in whole at their option at any time. |
價格。除非另作指定,表示價格的貨幣將是付款的基本貨幣,US$表示美元,HK$表示港幣,? 表示英鎊。本合約指定的價格須以現有匯率(每美元兌5.65港元或每英鎊兌10.50港元)為基準。要是這種匯率在簽訂合約日期之后變動百分之三以上,價格須按照相應的變動調整支付。然而在這種情況下,賣方將有權隨時選擇減少約定的數量和(或)撤消合約的一部份或全部撤消本合約。 |
4. PACKING: Unless otherwise requested and/or instructed by the Buyers in time, packing and marking shall be at the Sellers' option. In case special instructions are necessary, they shall be intimated to the Sellers in time so as to enable the Sellers to comply with them. |
包裝:除非買方及時另作要求和(或)指示,包裝和標志須由賣方自決。要是有必要作特殊指示,須及時將指示通知賣方,以便賣方能遵照執行。 |
5. SHIPMENT: The Date of the Bill of Lading shall be accepted as a conclusive evidence of the date of shipment. Partial shipment or transhipment shall be permitted unless otherwise stated on the face hereof. The Sellers shall not be responsible for nonshipment or late shipment of the contracted goods due to causes beyond the Sellers' control or causes due to the failure of the Buyers to provide in time the relative letter of credit or other instructions requested-by the Sellers. |
付運:提貨單的日期須被承認為付運日期的確實證據。應準許分批付運和轉運,除非本合約正面另有指定。合約規定的貨物若因賣方無法控制的原因或由于買方未能及時提供有關的信用證或賣方所要求的其它指示而不付運或遲付運,賣方不應負責。 |
6. PAYMENT: A confirmed irrevocable letter of credit shall be established within 15 days after the conclusion of any contract and such letter of credit shall be maintained at least 15 days after the month of shipment for the negotiation of the relative draft. If the Buyers fail to provide such letter of credit in the Sellers I favor as prescribed above, the Sellers shall have the option of reselling the contracted goods for the account of the Buyers or delaying any shipment and/or canceling any orders at any time on the Buyers' account and risk. |
付款:一份保兌和不可撤消的信用證須在締結任何合約之后十五天內開立,而且這種信用證須在付運月份之后至少保持十五天。以便洽兌有關匯票。如果買方未能提供如上規定的這種信用證給賣方,賣方有權選擇把合約規定的買方賬上的貨物轉售或隨時推遲付運和(或)撤消任何訂單,損失和風險由買方承擔。 |
7. INSURANCE: Unless otherwise contracted, the insurance on CIF or C & I contract shall be effected for the amount of the Sellers' invoice plus ten per cent ( 10 % ) covering marine insurance only for WA War risk and/or any other additional insurance required by the Buyers shall be at their own expenses. In case of F0B or C & F contract, the Buyers shall provide an open cover or provisional insurance before the time of shipment. |
保險;除非另約規定,C.I.F.或C. & I (cost & insurance成本加保險)合約上的保險必須辦理只限水漬險的水險,投保金額是賣方發票金額加上百分之十。買方所要求的兵險和(或)其它任何附加保險須由買方自行投保。在F.O.B.或C.& F.合約的情況下,買方必須在付運時間之前提供一份預約保險單或暫時保險單。 |
8. CLAIM: Any claim to the Sellers of whatsoever nature arising under this contract shall be made by registered mail within 45 days after the arrival of the merchandise at the destination specified in the Bill of Lading and further full particulars of such claim shall be made in writing and forwarded by registered mail to the Sellers within 15 days after notifying, accompanied by such particular's survey report is sued by leading, first class and international sworn authorized surveyor (s). If the Buyers fail to notify and/or forward full details within the period specified above, the Buyers shall be deemed to have waived his right to assert any claim. |
索賠:本合約下產生的不論什幺性質的向賣方的索賠,必須在貨物到達提貨單上所指定的目的地之后四十五天內用掛號郵件提出,并在通知后十五天內進一步書面擬就這種索賠的完整詳細情況并用掛號郵件寄給賣方,附上主要的、第一流的經國際宣誓認可的公證人關于這種細情的公證報告。如果買方未能在上述規定的期間內通知和(或)寄出完整的細節,那幺買方將被認為已放棄提出任何索賠的權利。 |
9. INSPECTION: Inspection performed under the export regulations of Hong Kong and/or Manufacturer's inspection, unless otherwise arranged, shall be final and conclusive in respect of quality and conditions of the merchandise. As to the merchandise controlled by no such regulations, the Buyers shall appoint an inspector(s) to inspect the merchandise in Hong Kong prior to delivery within fifteen (15) days from the effective date of this contract. In the event the Buyers' such appointment does not arrive in time, the Sellers' system of inspection shall be final and binding upon the parties concerned. |
檢查:除非另有安排,在香港出口規例之下進行的和(或)廠商所進行的有關商品質量和情況的檢查應是最后的和決定性的。至于沒有這種規例管制的商品,買方須從本合約有效日期的十五天內委任檢查員,在交貨之前在香港檢查商品。萬一買方這種委任未能及時到達,賣方的檢查制度將是決定性的并對有關各方有約束力。 |
10. PATENTS, TRADE MARKS, ETC. : The Sellers shall be held free from any dispute regarding the infringements of patent, design, trade mark or copyright of the goods contracted for. |
專利、商標等:賣方應免受有關侵犯合約所定貨物的專利、設計、商標或版權等糾紛的干擾。 |
11. FREIGHT& INSURANCE: Any increase of freight and/or insurance rates from the current rates available at the time of contract shall be on the Buyers' account. |
運費和保險:運費和(或)保險費從締約時有效的收費上的任何增加由買方承擔。 |
12. ARBITRATION: All disputes, controversies or differences which may arise between the Sellers and the Buyers, out of or in relation to or in connection with this contract , or the breach thereof , shall be finally settled by arbitration in Hong Kong. The award rendered by: the arbitrator (s) shall be final and binding upon both parties. |
仲裁:出自本合約、或與它有關、或與它有聯系的、或不履行該合約而在賣方和買方之間可能產生的一切糾紛、爭論或不和,須最終在香港仲裁解決。仲裁人所作的裁定應是決定性的,并對雙方有約束力。 |
購買合約(Purchase Note)已較少用,買方發出的有效合約憑證稱為"訂單"(order sheet或 indent,它經賣萬簽署確認后,對雙方就起了約束作用。它沒有銷售合約那幺復雜,通常背面并無附加條件,而訂單的信首和賣方名稱地址的格式和普通書信無異。 |
主要內容開頭也很簡單,有時只寫上Please execute the following order as the confirmation of our order of……,請接受下列訂單作為本公司……月……日訂單的確認。下面的表格中列明品名、質量、數量、價格、包裝、付運、目的地、保險、付運嘜頭、付款和備注等。然后雙方簽署作實。 |