a) Not recommended for children that can sit by themselves (9months approximately, until 9kg)(不推薦給可自行坐立的兒童(約9個月大,9kg重);
b) WARNING--- Never leave the child unattended in the reclined cradle(警告 在無人照看時不要離開兒童);
c) WARNING ---It is dangerous to put this reclined cradle on an elevated surface.(警告 在升降面上放置此斜躺式搖籃有危險);
d) 總是使用束縛系統;
e) 產品保養及清潔或清洗的說明.
WARNIGN ---To avoid danger of suffocation, remove this plastic cover before using this article. This cover should then be destroyed or kept away from children.
(警告 為避免窒息的危險,在使用產品之前移除此塑膠層.然後破壞此覆層或使之遠離兒童)